/My Artist Profile: 2/10/17
Genre- Pop Rock
Panic! Attack
Artist Name:
Brendon urie
Black Clothes And Skinny Jeans.
Over The Top.
Similar Artists:
FOB And Twenty One Pilots
Single name:
Website Research:
LO:to research from a similar genre to yours.
The colours used are black and white which tells us the genre is
more like pop or any sort of pop rock/punk.
the information on this website are sign up pages which is for not
missing out on certain information and social media links like
instagram and twitter. the pictures on here are the logo.
The colours used are a variety of blues greens and purples. this
tells us this band is punk.information included on this homepage is
links to social media also tour dates , music videos and hop. the pictures
on here is the photo of the band.
lo: to explore the concept of branding and to create an effective brand image.
Brendon Urie starred in 'kinky boots' on broadway.
Brands making brendons face onto phone cases.
How do i want my artist to be branded?Using Logos to promote them and also getting brands involve like puma,nike etc.
How do they need to look?
Black skinny jeans, dark coloured march like blues,blacks and greys. bomber jackets?
What brands do you want to link them too and how?
Puma, Nike, Adidas, Gucci, Nicce, etc. Big brands for publicity.
What images will you need next lesson?
Images to advertise. maybe the brands like adidas shoes and jumpers ,etc. Im going to upload the images onto my website to create publicity and also using colour clothing to represent the band. as I'm doing a pop rock band there will be dark colour clothing.
Well done Charlie- a professional looking site
- your research is detailed
- choice of images
- tone and content of text elements
- Take your own images!
- not sure your theme matches the genre?
- check text carefully (SPAG)