Coursework - Brief 1
Create a front cover and a double page spread article for an informative educational magazine aimed at an audience of 10-13 year olds.
The purpose of Aquila magazine is to bring different educational topics for each different children from the ages 10-13. They encourage kids to read more into subjects which they are doing in school like science and maths. They have also done History based magazines in which they have talked about WWII. The Target audience is shown by the colour, the colours used in the magazines are bright and vibrant which would easily catch the eye of kids. Younger kids tend to enjoy school and therefore would enjoy taking part in doing quizzes and word searches - which can be linked to any chosen subject. Kids who have hit the age of 13 would be starting to do their options which would appeal to them more by adding revision tips in which they may use, but also making them seem more fun then boring. By using blocky coloured shapes which the information is portrayed on, makes the audience (10-13 year olds) read it more.
Research: Coursework
Learning Objective:
- To research codes and conventions of similar products.
The font used looks more hand drawn instead of formal, which links to the target audience aged 10-13 year olds as they enjoy drawing and colouring. They have used this font because it could relate to younger children and the idea of everything being neat.
There is a range of colours which would instantly catch the attention of younger children, the big colourful pictures and images of animals used is linked to more of a kid based audience. By using the larger images it gives the audience a clear understanding of what they are reading about, the images create imagination in which kids can identify with.
The layout is quite funky although its also very organised, the little sections are differently coloured which makes it easier to see what you're reading. The production values are high. The magazine looks glossy and looks as if they have taken a lot of time to produce it, the images and drawings are detailed.
Kids who read this magazine at a young age (10 - 13 year olds) could be interested in working at a zoo or might just enjoy animals, by learning information about these animals gives them knowledge, which could be needed in future situations. The target audience is around 10-13 year olds. Firstly we can see by the subject of animals. Younger children enjoy going to places like zoo's and aquariums and learning. This can boost up their skills by learning about animals they might want to study as they grow older.
What is the magazine about?
The magazine will be about pollution. The ocean takes up 70% of the world, this magazine will teach kids about loving the ocean and the animals which live beneath it in these conditions. Ive decided to use this idea because the younger children are the future and therefore they can help change the amount of plastic found in the ocean. I would start by explaining the effect it has on animals including some of my ocean images and some of trapped animals from google. Hopefully this magazine can help younger kids understand the importance of recycling and using reusable things instead of plastic.
Fun facts about the plastic in the ocean:
- Plastic is killing our oceans.
- Sir David Attenborough told us during Blue Planet 2 that “we dump eight million tonnes of plastic into the sea every year”. It’s killing and harming marine life.
- Turtles eat plastic bags mistaking them for jellyfish.
- Seabirds are found with their stomachs full of plastic item.
- Plastic debris can get lodged in coral and affect the health of reefs.
- Microplastics are consumed by animals like plankton, passing the problem back up the food chain – to us.
- Plastic is found in the deepest reaches of the ocean, and even in remote Arctic sea ice. It’s a sobering example of our footprint on Earth.
- Plastic bottles are one of the most frequently found items on beach cleans globally. The lids commonly end up in seabirds’ stomachs.
- Plastic straws and stirrers can take up to 200 years to decompose. and are sucking the the life out of the ocean.
- The sea also produces around half of all the oxygen we breathe (thanks to phytoplankton, tiny single-celled ocean plants). Not to mention absorbing half of all man-made climate-warming carbon dioxide.
- The total amount of vertebrate sea life (including fish) has reduced by more than a third since 1970, which could be the result of plastic.
- Every minute, one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our oceans.
- About 8 million metric tons of plastic are thrown into the ocean annually. Of those, 236,000 tons are microplastics– tiny pieces of broken-down plastic smaller than your little fingernail.
Front Cover Ideas
Learning Objective:
Name of magazine - Wideworld
Tagline/slogan -
"We have a solution. Stop Pollution!"
"Cause a splash to save whales"
"Stop Pollution Quick, Don't Make The Water Sick"
Genre - Non Fiction about pollution and the fact of it on the animals. Educational/Pollution.
Representation - That plastic is bad and people should learn to dispose it effectively.
House Style:
Colour Palette - Bright colours but mainly blues as its a underwater setting. Although adding vibrant colour reefs and turtles to show the effect of plastic.
Cover image - A geometric, blocked colour geometric, or a childish animated image.
Possible cover lines:
- Our filthy seas.
-Planet or plastic?
- 260 tons of plastic ends up in our oceans each year.
Information: (include DPS article subject)
"There would rarely be a dive where I wouldn't find some form of plastic from a thread of plastic fishing line, sweet wrappers or plastic bottles"
Coursework Planning
Learning Objective:
- To plan an effective product aimed at a specific audience using appropriate codes and conventions.
Codes and Conventions -
- Colour Palette - Bright and vibrant colours to catch the eye of younger readers, because of the chosen theme, the colour blue will be used a lot. When animals are included the colours start to die down and tend to be not as bright.
- Images - There are a lot of images in and outside of the magazine. This catches the attention of younger readers because they enjoy looking at pictures and it could also encourage them to socialise by finding out new information from images.
- Text - The font looks more handwritten which could be because younger children like to draw. The younger children can relate as both the magazine and themselves enjoy the colouring and experimentation of the drawing. Most younger magazines use the font 'sans serif' as its more younger looking and simple which is easier for kids to read.
- Layout - Usually the front covers are busy and tend to hold a lot of images on them.
Name of magazine - Wideworld
Tagline/slogan -
"We have a solution. Stop Pollution!"
"Cause a splash to save whales"
"Stop Pollution Quick, Don't Make The Water Sick"
Genre - Non Fiction about pollution and the fact of it on the animals. Educational/Pollution.
Representation - That plastic is bad and people should learn to dispose it effectively.
House Style:
Colour Palette - Bright colours but mainly blues as its a underwater setting. Although adding vibrant colour reefs and turtles to show the effect of plastic.
Cover image - A geometric, blocked colour geometric, or a childish animated image.
Possible cover lines:
- Our filthy seas.
-Planet or plastic?
- 260 tons of plastic ends up in our oceans each year.
Information: (include DPS article subject)
- Plastic is killing our oceans.
- Sir David Attenborough told us during Blue Planet 2 that “we dump eight million tonnes of plastic into the sea every year”. It’s killing and harming marine life.
- Turtles eat plastic bags mistaking them for jellyfish.
- Seabirds are found with their stomachs full of plastic item.
- Plastic debris can get lodged in coral and affect the health of reefs.
- Microplastics are consumed by animals like plankton, passing the problem back up the food chain – to us.
- Plastic is found in the deepest reaches of the ocean, and even in remote Arctic sea ice. It’s a sobering example of our footprint on Earth.
- Plastic bottles are one of the most frequently found items on beach cleans globally. The lids commonly end up in seabirds’ stomachs.
- Plastic straws and stirrers can take up to 200 years to decompose. and are sucking the the life out of the ocean.
- The sea also produces around half of all the oxygen we breathe (thanks to phytoplankton, tiny single-celled ocean plants). Not to mention absorbing half of all man-made climate-warming carbon dioxide.
- The total amount of vertebrate sea life (including fish) has reduced by more than a third since 1970, which could be the result of plastic.
- Every minute, one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our oceans.
- About 8 million metric tons of plastic are thrown into the ocean annually. Of those, 236,000 tons are microplastics– tiny pieces of broken-down plastic smaller than your little fingernail.
Quotes said by people:
"I saw a dead leatherback turtle that died from entanglement in fishing rope."
DPS Image ideas:
Also include some of my own images like photos of plastic and photos of the beach with some plastic lying around.
Use illustrator to produce a front cover.
DPS Image ideas:
Also include some of my own images like photos of plastic and photos of the beach with some plastic lying around.
Learning Objective:
‘Plastic Free Day’ was set up in 2018 by Alex Rhodes of Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service. The aim was to raise the awareness of how much single use disposable plastic we use in our everyday lives and then re-educate the local community by gaining their commitment to go ‘plastic free’ for 24 hours.
You could:
Crime against the planet: Photoshoot for double page spread
Target Audience
Learning Objective:- To research our target audience to enable successful targeting
Coursework Planning
Learning Objective:
- To plan an effective product aimed at a specific audience using appropriate codes and conventions.
Coursework Planning
‘Plastic Free Day’ was set up in 2018 by Alex Rhodes of Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service. The aim was to raise the awareness of how much single use disposable plastic we use in our everyday lives and then re-educate the local community by gaining their commitment to go ‘plastic free’ for 24 hours.
You could:
- Swap to a milkman
- Swap to a reusable water bottle
- Reusable shopping bags or cardboard boxes
- Shop at a green grocer – support local
- Choose loose fresh products
- Use brown paper bags
- Use a thermal mug for coffee shop refills
- Refuse to use a straw
- Choose glass/cardboard packaging
- Use refills
- Shop at the deli counter/butcher/fishmonger
- Use beeswax paper coverings
- Reusable storage containers/lunchboxes
Coursework Planning
Learning Objective:
- To plan and create an effective product aimed at a specific audience using appropriate codes and conventions.
Fantastic research & planning - love the Illustrator work.
ReplyDeleteGet collecting that plastic!
Excellent illustrator work, well done! Targets:
ReplyDelete1) Post the most up-to-date version of your double page spread.
2) Finished your double page spread layout and article.