

The people who regulate Film are The British Board Of Film Classification

The people who regulate TV and radio are OF.com

The people who regulate advertising are advertising standards authority

The people who regulate newspaper and magazines are rare independent press standards authority

The people who regulate video games are entertainment software rating board
What is post modernist film?

  • Postmodernist film is a classification for works that articulate the themes and ideas of postmodernism through the medium of cinema. 
Postmodern Films often contain the following characteristics;
  • Challenges genre conventions;might be a mixture of many genres; challenge typical character roles etc.
  • Pastiche: imitates other texts, numerous take on society/ culture.
  • Hyper- Reality: makes the audience aware that they are watching a movie. 
How is The Lego Movie a postmodernist film?
    The Lego movie can be classified as a postmodernism film because from the beginning scene audience are already open up to a silly dialogue and style, it is clear that this is not a serious movie which is a concept of pasticheThe biggest characteristic that opposes with modernism.

    Wk 2:

    Characters- The characters would appeal to kids as there is the character Unikitty, Emmet, Wyldstyle these would appeal to kids because they have simple roles and they are the 'happy' characters that kids like. The lego movie appeals to each of the characters with different stereotypes. People can relate to people like Wyldstyle because of her personality and also how she looks. The reason people relate to Wyldstyle because even though she comes across as an emo she also has a sexy side to her which older adults will be able to see more than the children.

    It appeals to adults as there is a character called Ben who was an astronaut when the adults were young. Also to young cinema goers because of the celebrities who do the voices of the characters for example Chris Pratt. 

    Narrative- The narrative in the Lego movie relates to all 3 sections of the family target audience because the way the movie has been sequenced the tale of events haven't really changed to a Lego movie from 10 years ago a hero is discovered he or she goes on some quest to put a stop to a bad guys plan they succeed and everyone loves them for one reason or another

    Settings-The setting would appeal to kids as there is a place called Cloud Cuckoo Land. Which will make kids excited and would make them more intrigued. Adults would be able to enjoy this because it has similarities with the metric which only they would understand.

    Themes-THe themes in the Lego movie relate to all 3 sections of the family target audience because the themes relate to various other things for example Benny sporting space and rocket ships for his theme which the adults and older people will remember and one that younger cinema goers will know would be unikitty because of her bright colours and happy attitude.

    Wk 3

    What methods did they use to PROMOTE the Lego Movie and how did it target the different parts of the target audience? You should talk about the following methods:

    Poster campaign- They released different different character profiles with the main characters on it every week.

    TV advertising- They made an advert made out of Lego, this would promote Lego and also the movie. This would be aimed at all 3 target audiences as all the categories watch TV.

    Film Trailers

    Social Media
    - They had a Facebook page where every week they had a "Fan of the week" and also a website that had a build your own character. They also got famous people on Instagram that have many kids or young cinema goers following them advertising the movie. Which made the movie quite popular and would gain them more views.

    Merchandise- There were 17 Lego world sets, 16 collectible mini figures,The Lego Movie video game, school stationary and also sticker and activities book. These were mainly targeted for kids who like Lego.

    Wk 4:

    Uses and Gratifications
    • Entertainment: offers distraction from the world.
    • Personal Identity: helps us consider who we are;what ideas and values we identify with.
    • Relationships: we find things we can share and discuss with others.
    • Information: new information we want to know or take pleasure in knowing.

    The cover shown gives us a variety of characters; From good people to the bad. The cover offers us stereo types, people who have watched the film would understand that and example of this would be Wyldstyle. She isn't the typical 'hollywood woman', even though she comes across as an emo she also appears as sexy and overall her character appeals to woman. The cover uses Personal Identity. It gives the viewer an option to who they identify with, It also helps to consider who we are. In the movie we can relate to the certain characters, weather its a good guy or even the villain. We can see parts of ourselves in the characters which will attract people to watch the movie. When we know who we relate to within the film, it offers us Relationships.

    We can discuss our values with others around us. Which builds friendships and relationships, even with strangers! We can also find things to share within The Lego Movie. As we discuss this with the people around us, they can offer us new information. Using a video game promotes the movie as well as extending the pleasure of the film which would offer us entertainment. As we play the video game, most of us will enjoy it as we can play as the different characters. 

    Wk 5:

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